We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers for those who want to visit the trade fair. If you cannot find any answers to your questions below, please feel free to contact us.

If you are a company exhibiting or planning to exhibit at the exhibition to showcase your products and services, the answers on the Exhibitor FAQs page may be helpful for you.

Please continue to review the page for answers to your questions.

Is there a fee to enter the Istanbul Toy Fair?
You can obtain detailed information about ticket prices for Istanbul Toy Fair on the Tickets page.
Where can I buy my Istanbul Toy Fair ticket?
You can quickly and securely obtain your Istanbul Toy Fair tickets from the Tickets page on the trade fair's website or from the registration area just before entering the trade fair. By registering for tickets on the website, you can save time and proceed directly to the venue without waiting. Additionally, you can easily obtain your tickets from the registration area at the fair.
How can I cancel my Istanbul Toy Fair ticket?
For detailed information on the cancellation process for your Istanbul Toy Fair ticket, you can contact our support team at [email protected]. Please remember to include the email address you registered with when purchasing the online ticket, your ticket number, if available, and your contact information in the email you send to our team.
When does Istanbul Toy Fair take place?
Istanbul Toy Fair will be organized between 25-28 February 2025.
What are the visiting hours for Istanbul Toy Fair?
Istanbul Toy Fair can be visited on the following days and hours:

25 - 27 February 2025 10:00 - 19:00

28 February 2025 10:00 - 18:00

Where is Istanbul Toy Fair and how can I get there?
Istanbul Toy Fair is organized at the Tüyap Fair and Congress Center. You can find the address, map, and alternative transportation options on the Venue & Travel page.
Where can I find information about the exhibitors at Istanbul Toy Fair?
You can find information about the exhibitor companies on the Exhibitor List page. You can review the companies that exhibited in the previous editions by downloading the relevant Exhibitor Catalog.
Where can I get detailed information about the products exhibited at IStanbul Toy Fair?
You can obtain general information about the products and services exhibited at Istanbul Toy Fair on the Product Categories page. You can also review the products and services exhibited by participating companies on the Exhibitor List page.
Where can I find the hall plan for Istanbul Toy Fair?
You can review the layout plan of Istanbul Toy Fair on the Hall Plan page.
Where can I find the event schedule (seminars, panels, conferences, etc.) of Istanbul Toy Fair?
There will be no additional events (seminars, conferences, etc.) organized at IStanbul Toy Fair. However, you can discover innovations and developments in the industry through meetings with exhibitor companies throughout the trade fair. To make your visit more productive, it would be beneficial to review the Exhibitor List page before your visit.
Are there food and beverage options at the venue?
Yes, there are various food and beverage options at the venue. There are restaurants offering Turkish cuisine, fast food options, and cafes where you can relax and enjoy a drink. You can take advantage of these options for a pleasant break during your visit.
Can I get an invitation letter for my Türkiye visa application?
Visitors applying for a visa can use their online ticket registrations among their application documents. However, as the fair organizer, we would like to inform you that we cannot provide an invitation letter for any visa application. You can obtain the necessary documents and information for visa procedures from the relevant consulates.
Is there a parking lot where I can park my car at the fairground?
For visitors and exhibitors who want to reach Tüyap Fair and Congress Center by car, there are ample parking facilities both at the venue and in the surrounding area. There are various parking lots where you can park your car.
Are there nearby hotels for accommodation options?
You can get detailed information from the Accommodation page.
I am a press member. Where can I register for accreditation?
Press members can easily and quickly register on the Press Accreditation page.
I want to obtain more information about the fair. What should I do?
If you cannot find answers to your questions about our trade fair on our website, we would be happy to assist you. For further information and support, please email our project team. We are here to answer your questions. You can reach us at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.